New Zealand, May-June 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Itinerary

Alright, all the steps are planned!  Well, all the big steps at least... the little ones are still up in the air.  At least I've got all my tickets paid for.

  • 15 May: Wake up way earlier than I need to, triple check to make sure I don't forget anything, head to the airport, fly out, realize I forgot something.
  • 17 May to 25 May: Arrival in Christchurch, chilling and travelling with bro and SIL.  They took the time to plan out what looks like a thoroughly enjoyable week for me; I'm not going to give you all the details until they happen, but I can tell you that there will be penguins involved at some point.
  • 25 May to 27 May: Up to Auckland (which I always forget the "c" in) on the North Island.  Apparently they've got some cool volcanoes in the area.
  • 27 May to 31 May: Sydney!  No real plans here, other than enjoying the Aussie life and taking pictures of myself in iconic locations to make you all jealous.
  • 31 May to 2 June: Onward to Brisbane, to visit a friend and enjoy northern Australia.
  • 2 June to 3 June: Flying back to Christchurch to get everything re-packed and make sure I'm ready for my flight back to the States.
  • 3 June: Touchdown!  Fly back in fairly late, and crash immediately.
  • 4 June: Sleep.
  • 5 June: Probably sleep some more.
  • 6 June: Return to work, unless they decide to be really nice and give me one more day off so I have the weekend to recover as well.  Fingers crossed!
Other than one more call for postcards this will probably be my last post before liftoff.  Until then, farewell!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Baby steps

Alright, got one more step out of the way... waiting for word from my friend in Brisbane to finish up the last little bit.  After spending a week with my brother and sister-in-law (hereafter referred to as SIL, because that's much quicker to type) I'll be flying up to Auckland on the north island for a couple days, and on to Sydney from there.  I'm not sure on the exact time frame, but after that I'm headed up to Brisbane to visit a friend for a couple days, then back to Christchurch for a day or two to recover before returning home.  On the one hand I wish I'd given myself a couple more days down there, but on the other hand I'm very glad I'll have those days to rest up before going back to work.